Premium Select Naturals Synergy Max (Vitamin D)
Start with 2 drops under the tongue per day. Can be gradually increased to 20 drops (one dropper) per day or as directed by your health care practitioner.
NOTE: The oleic acid in the Synergy Max will coagulate when refrigerated. The best solution is to let it sit out at room temperature for 30 minutes prior to use then shake thoroughly to re-emulsify the product. Refrigerate again until the next use.
Premium Select Naturals Humic/Fulvic
Consume 0.5 ml 3 times a day.
Premium Select Naturals Structured Silver Solution
ADULTS: 2 tsp twice daily
CHILDREN 4 years and older: 1/2 tsp twice daily
Premium Select Naturals Black Seed Oil
1 teaspoon with or without food two to three times a day or as directed by your health care professional.
Premium Select Naturals Betaine HCl
Take 1 capsule before each meal. Do not take on an empty stomach. Do not take if you have stomach or doudenal ulcers.
Premium Select Naturals Super Enzymes
Take 1 capsule with each meal.
Premium Select Naturals Formula H-7
Take 4 capsules 3 times daily or as directed by your health care professional.
Global Healing Berberine
Take 1 capsule 2 times daily with food. Store in a cool, dry place after opening.
Stone Breaker (4 oz)
Shake Well Before Using
Add 1 full squeeze of the dropper bulb to 2 oz. of water or juice, 2 to 3 times per day.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children. Consult your physician before taking this product.
Humco Castor Oil
For relief of occasional constipation. Cold-pressed from a castor bean & hexane free. Recommended to take on an empty stomach. 100% pure & natural.
Global Healing Toxin Binder
Take 1 ml twice daily on an empty stomach or as directed by your healthcare professional.
NOTE: If you are nursing or pregnant consult a physician prior to use.
Global Healing Detoxadine
Take 3 drops, immediately followed by purified water and swallow or as directed by your healthcare professional.
NOTE: If you are nursing or pregnant consult a physician prior to use.
Mojave Pure Clay (13 oz)
For Baths: Mix 1-2 cups of clay powder into bath water. Soak for 15-20 minutes.
External Use: Search the internet and you will find many external ways to use clay for skin conditions, injuries and beauty treatments.
Internal Use: Use only as directed. Mix 1 teaspoon of clay powder in 2 oz. or more of water once daily. Avoid internal use when constipation is present.